Learn Spanish

Dear Gringa / Dear Gringo,

Welcome to my blog. Generally, the content I create is in Spanish; however, since I have engaged in language exchanges in my life, I have created this page with tips for learning Spanish.


Probably the first thing we do to learn a language is download an app like Duolingo. However, in my experience, what helped me the most was using flashcards to learn new phrases and words. While searching online, I found the website Quizlet, which has flashcards for learning Spanish.

Flashcards German – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish

Flashcards English – Spanish




Occasionally, I also teach Spanish classes, and for this reason, I have created practice material that I will share below:

Text Production – Example

Presente Perfecto e inperfecto

Objeto Indirecto y Objeto Directo

Comprensión de lectura y adjetivos

Advanced Spanish?

If you already have an advanced level of Spanish, I invite you to read some posts I have written about experiences in a new culture. I always try to write in a colloquial but simple manner.